Monash Events

The aim of this project is to address the existing gap in social activity awareness and provide a cohesive platform for Monash University students to discover and engage in various social events and clubs on campus.

01/ Overview

It was found that Monash University has revealed that the promotion and advertising strategies for campus activities are excessively fragmented and disorderly. Consequently, students are left feeling disoriented and directionless in navigating the multitude of communication channels.

02/ Research Methodology

The research methodology adopted was observation and questionnaires, which consisted of a total of 15 questions. Random interviews and questionnaires distributed in different parts of the campus.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

03/ Analysis

Key Findings

Students who participate more frequently in campus events have a higher level of need for earlier access to the events information.

Key Findings

  • Students primarily use email, or follow clubs' social media accounts.

  • Over 80% of students will not attend an event if not receiving prior information.

  • More than 40% of students have missed events due to not receiving information in advance.

  • Only around 42% of the students are satisfied with the existing event promotion channels and methods, suggesting the need for improvement.

04/ User Interview

What inconveniences do students face when accessing event information?

Interviews were conducted to assess the possible user needs, with a focus on serving all students on Monash campus.​​​​​​​

Despite students' positive and enthusiastic attitudes towards participating in events, they often feel overwhelmed and miss out on events due to an abundance of information or inadequate clarity.

05/ Project Goals

Developing a centralised events information platform based on identified pain points to facilitate easy discovery and participation in campus activities for students, as well as enhancing users' sense of community and participation.

06/ Solution

Access: Get information about events in time so students can be prepared

Integration: Consolidate existing clubs' social media accounts into one

Social: Students can share information about events with their friends

Electrification: E-tickets; E-membership cards

User-friendly interface: Clear navigation and easy-to-understand labels and icons; personalised dashboard

Visualisation: More impactful, dynamic, and colourful visual design elements

07/ Persona

08/ Style Guide

09/ GUI


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